Monday, May 11, 2009

A Star is Born

I took the kids to a park this morning and we found an outside stage to play upon! We demonstrated Theo's dramatic interpretations for daddy tonight. Notice how he chooses to wear a belt around his neck, and a hat... he's taking a bow here!

He is using a scrub brush for his "trumpet" "saxophone" or "tuba." He announces which instrument prior to his performance. Today, at the park, he'd use different sized sticks to represent the chosen instrument. It was so funny!!!! and awesome!!!!!!!

he is announcing he will be playing "the Trumpet!"

Daddy got in the game

Theo wanted mommy to play and march! that's my boy!

This is what Phoenix was doing:)

He wanted to know when he can audition.


  1. Joey's gotten so big! She's such a cute girl. :)

  2. Love the trumpet scrub brush!
